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Artist, Crafters  & Creators


Las Cruces, NM

2025 Schedule

FEBRUARY 8-9  –  MARCH 8-9  –  APRIL 12-13  –  MAY 10-11  –  JUNE 14-15  –  JULY 12-13  –  AUGUST 9-10  –  SEPT 13-14. –  OCT31-NOV 1  –  NOVEMBER 15-16  –  DECEMBER 19-22



It’s almost time again for the Artist, Crafter and Creators Bazaar, the monthly must-attend event. Since July of 2021, artists, crafters and creators have gathered at the Mesilla Valley Mall once a month to show and sell their products and artwork. 

Every month, the ACC Bazaar attracts vendors from all over Las Cruces, El Paso and neighboring areas. We continue to improve upon the lessons learned at every event; with your help, we can make the coming events the biggest yet. 

The ACC Bazaar is an opportunity for your business to participate in the larger artist/creator community, engage with new and old customers, and make a positive impact on the world around us. Come and be a part of this amazing movement!

The Setup

Although our event is pretty chill, we do need to follow a few guidelines, after all, we are guests at this marvelous mall.

Reserve your spot

We have over 60 space available throughout the Mall. Some spaces have been purchased and reserved ahead of time; send us a message if you’re interested.

The Mall

Mesilla Valley Mall is the perfect size for this event; The numbering is labeled from 2-64, going from South end to the North end. As the mall changes their settings, spaces will also change accordingly.

Special Thanks to our Sponsors


feel free to reach out to us.

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